Aug 3 2023
06:57 am
Friday Toons on Monday
By: WhitesCreek

Well, yeah...I was off in the woods this weekend and didn't have internet tubes with which to post the Friday toon link. I was thinking about letting it go but they are just too good to miss so here:


With Trump's GOP working their evil deeds Toonists have way too much to work with. Here you go:


Jul 31 2023
07:01 am
Our Long National Nightmare Will Soon Be Over...
By: WhitesCreek

One way or another...

Jul 30 2023
TN Congressman Steve Cohen Questions Barr
By: WhitesCreek

Jul 30 2023
01:59 pm
Portland Goons Show Why People are Marching
By: WhitesCreek

The claim by the "police" is that protesters were assaulting them with lasers.

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Morgan also said that federal agents had been brutal with arrested protesters, saying they had been told to face a cement wall while they were searched and handcuffed.

"Repeatedly, we were told to 'face the wall' and then an officer would put his hand on the back of our heads and slam our face into it," she said.



Jul 30 2023
By: WhitesCreek
“Just step back and consider how insane this is,” he added. “The president can’t be bothered to focus on the things that actually work, like testing, contact tracing, isolation or mask-wearing, but if a crazy person posts a video claiming lizard people are making alien vaccines, his response is: ‘That’s interesting!’”


Jul 29 2023
Did You Miss the William Barr Testimony? Here you go...
By: WhitesCreek

Jul 27 2023
By: WhitesCreek

Jul 24 2023
10:26 am
Nurse Dead Doctor Infected with Covid-19 Rhea County
By: WhitesCreek

A nurse has died and a doctor is infected with the coronavirus in Rhea County. The Tennessee Department of Health says this is the first coronavirus death in Rhea County.

The county executive told Channel 3 both worked at the Rhea County Primary Care Center.


Jul 24 2023
09:33 am
Friday Toons
By: WhitesCreek


The rest of the toons

05:55 pm
You simply can’t come away from the Fox interview with Trump without realizing that Trump is a taco short of the Del Rio Platter
By: WhitesCreek


Jul 18 2023
08:46 am
Friday Toons Saturday
By: WhitesCreek



Jul 17 2023
06:40 pm
Feel Good Friday Whop Frazier (Bobby Thompson) Edition
By: WhitesCreek

Jul 15 2023
08:38 am
Parents may choose either of two options for school
By: WhitesCreek

Online learning or attending classes at school. As I read the plan you will be putting your child at risk if you send them to school.

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This is irresponsible!

Jul 15 2023
07:32 am
男子因出售VPN被判有期徒刑三年 罚金10000元-中国法院网 ...:2021-10-9 · 近日,上海市宝山区人民法院依法公开开庭宣判被告人戴某提供侵入、非法控制计算机信息系统程序、工具罪一案,判处有期徒刑三年,缓刑三年,并处罚金人民币一万元。
By: WhitesCreek

"The calendar should be flexible."

What they are saying is that schools shouldn't be opened until safety measures and training are in place. I wish they had been more direct but this is a good statement from a large group of teachers, parents, and professionals.

The future of all Knox County is at stake. Failure to rise to the occasion will lead to extensive loss of lives, education loss for tens of thousands of children, and vast loss to the local economy. Now is the time for courageous leadership," the group states in its "open letter...

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*KCS must provide sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff and students. The schools must provide plentiful cleaning solutions, disinfectant wipes and hand cleaning supplies for classrooms. Neither teachers nor parents should be asked to provide these essential supplies.


Jul 14 2023
01:32 pm
Four Former Heads of CDC Blast Trump for Misleading American People on Covid-19
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Opening Roane County schools as currently proposed will result in sickened and dead children, teachers, parents, and others. The only question is how many? Interesting that the so called pro-life crowd seems to care little for our children's lives. The CDC's own statistics show a 0.0011 fatality rate for children under 18. That equates to about 4 dead children in Roane County.

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Jul 14 2023
09:29 am
What Do Mexico and NY have in Common?
By: WhitesCreek

Both Mexico and New York State want Tennesseans to stay away.

Travelers from viral hotspot states landing at New York airports starting Tuesday must fill out a form that state officials will use to ensure they're abiding by the quarantine advisory, according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo's newest emergency health order.

Failure to fill out the form, which asks for contact information, before leaving the airport could result in a $2,000 fine and mandatory quarantine. Airlines will provide the forms to passengers prior to or upon disembarking flights to New York. Enforcement teams will be stationed at airports statewide to meet arriving aircraft at gates and request proof of the form's completion, Cuomo said.


Jul 12 2023
08:51 am
R Senate Race Gone Full Blown Racist Race
By: WhitesCreek

Signaling that bigotry and hate is the new norm for the Republican party, the TN Senate race on the Republican side has devolved into some sort of liars poker game. Gone is any discussion of real issues or pretense of bringing our state together. The social media operatives for the various GOP factions have fired up the slime machines for anybody who attempts to bring facts or reason into the debate.

"Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty has resigned from the board of R.J. O’Brien & Associates over social media posts sent by the futures brokerage firm voicing support for the African American community and Black Lives Matter."


Jul 10 2023
09:38 am
Friday Toons
By: WhitesCreek


More Toons at Juanita's place

And read this if you have time. Dr. Larry Brilliant in the Covid-19 pandemic

Jul 6 2023
09:56 am
How to see Comet Neowise in the Dawn Sky
By: WhitesCreek



Jul 3 2023
12:14 pm
Friday Toons
By: WhitesCreek



11:37 am
One Vote AGAINST Mandatory Mask Wearing in Knox County...This Guy
By: WhitesCreek


Will Trump Turn Tennessee Blue in November?
By: WhitesCreek

Opinion: Will Biden Win Tennessee in November?

It's going to either be real close or a blow out for Biden.

In January Mason Dixon polling had Trump up over 20 points against Joe Biden. At the end of May Trump had lost 11 points but still held a 9 point lead. Then the killing of George Floyd by police came to the forefront. Trump's "law and order" head busting, tear gassing, violations of the right to peaceful protest was roundly criticized by most everybody and his "Let them all die" handling of the covid-19 pandemic made the USA a pariah in international travel as hospital ICU's are being overrun with the critically ill victims of Trump's incompetence and...Yes...meanness.


Jun 27 2023
07:28 am
Conservative Journalists Warn Trump is Nixon Dirty Tricks on Steroids
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We need to work harder than ever to defeat the fascist who occupies the White House. We were complacent in 2016 while Vladimir Putin gamed our system and put the deeply corrupt Trump and his flying monkeys in the White House even though a strong majority of Americans opposed him. We can't let that happen again! His followers are either gullible and deceived, ignorant, racist or corrupt in their own right. We have to stay in their faces and call them out nicely as possible.

“You look at the polls and think ‘he can’t win’,” tweeted Bill Kristol, who served in two Republican administrations. “But Trump’s path to victory doesn’t depend on persuading Americans. It depends on voter suppression, mass disinformation, foreign interference, and unabashed use of executive branch power to shape events, and perceptions, this fall.”

Read the full article and be worried enough to save our democracy!

Jun 26 2023
10:06 am
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By: WhitesCreek



Jun 26 2023
06:32 am
Friday Toon (Yes, we ARE talking about the Trump administration)
By: WhitesCreek


Only this is real.

Jun 21 2023
02:51 pm
12 States Hit New Record Covid_19 Cases...TN over 500 deaths
By: WhitesCreek

Dr. Michael Osterholm, a prominent U.S. epidemiologist, said, “I don’t think we’re going to see one, two and three waves — I think we’re just going to see one very, very difficult forest fire of cases.”

Wear your Damned Mask!


Jun 19 2023
03:36 pm
By: WhitesCreek

Jun 19 2023
03:10 pm
Friday Toons
By: WhitesCreek


More Toons

Jun 19 2023
06:56 am
TN Legislature Wants Employers to be Immune From Dangerous Covid-19 Work Conditions
By: WhitesCreek

From State Representative Gloria Johnson:

It’s 1:30 am and we are still on the house floor waiting for a bill to come over from the senate that most of my colleagues will vote for. It is too broad and will likely make it difficult for those who have been harmed to get justice.

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A medical procedure that has not been approved, as they had to stop the trials because it caused women to hemorrhage. Bill Dunn actually said on the floor that it didn’t matter if it was dangerous for the mom, as it saved the fetus.

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Jun 18 2023
07:15 am
Trump's Abject Incompetence Failed Covid Test, Americans Die
By: WhitesCreek


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  • Lee callling lawmakers into special session next week (免费pcvpn)
  • Lee callling lawmakers into special session next week (TN Journal)
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  • Hagerty’s latest ad remarkable for what it doesn’t include (hint: it’s that guy who endorsed him) (TN Journal)
  • Hagerty’s latest ad remarkable for what it doesn’t include (hint: it’s that guy who endorsed him) (Tom Humphrey)
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  • Feel Good Friday Whop Frazier (Bobby Thompson) Edition (1 reply)
  • Parents may choose either of two options for school (1 reply)
  • Your Bandana or Cloth Mask Won't Really Protect You Much if Other Folks don't Wear Theirs (1 reply)
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To date, the failure to expand Medicaid / TennCare has cost the State of Tennessee ? in lost federal funding.



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